What a great world we live in when you can have a full-time career and a successful side hustle too. Or you can make a great living teaching an evening class, building boats on the weekend, working part-time as a CPA and selling crafts on Etsy. You can also launch your own business online and set up a nice nest egg.
When you have more than one paying gig, this is what’s known as a portfolio career. Welcome to the modern working world. More than one third of your co-workers are probably already engaged in, or are funding, one of these side hustles.
According to Money magazine, over 44 million Americans are currently engaged in a portfolio career. That’s a lot of entrepreneurship and a lot off opportunity out there.
Could it be your turn?
Many people are unhappy in their jobs and uncertain about their career futures. While they are already gainfully employed they feel stuck, want more or have entertained the idea of becoming a full-time or part-time entrepreneur. If this is how you feel, you may want to consider launching a multi-tiered plan that sets you up for simultaneous success. This plan should include exploring all options for career advancement, transition, a portfolio career, not to mention a full-time entrepreneurial gig.
Imagine having the luxury of pursuing several different lucrative ventures simultaneously? Every day is different and exciting. While this may seem glamorous and financially smart, it requires a commitment. And that doesn’t have to be huge, just a commitment to give it a try.
Yes, sometimes the desire is there but something is holding you back from taking the small, gentle steps (or giant leaps) to a portfolio career.
But you have to be willing to try.
If the thought of fulfilling a dream or having an exciting portfolio career endeavor intrigues you, then let’s explore what awaits you around the corner. Set up your Career Breakthrough session today!
How to Be Career Happy? Build Your Portfolio Career
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Photo Source: Photodune