How many times have you been sold something only to discover it fell short of the the promise? Have you ever been at the receiving end of a failed commitment? Are you beginning to believe that the lack of follow up and follow through, maybe the new norm?
You’re not alone.
A disappointing trend in our society is lack of integrity. It’s no ones fault really, it’s simply a byproduct of being overworked, overtaxed and over charged. Think about it, we live in a world were multitasking is rewarded and working 24 hours a day is expected.
So, somewhere along the line, you’re going to drop the ball. Despite this daunting trend, you crave (and demand) integrity in others and in the organizations that you work for. But you can’t expect in others what you don’t require from yourself. Perhaps it’s time to dust off this often-neglected competency known as integrity and give it a good workout.
Four Career Advancing Reasons to Demonstrate Integrity:
- It’s rare. Who doesn’t want to be unique? After all, that’s what personal branding is all about. Imagine, including integrity as part of your distinguishing characteristics and strengths? But it’s much more than a claim, it needs to be demonstrated in your professional demeanor. From personal relationships to professional commitments, you can be distinct by demonstrating integrity. Being known as the reliable, trustworthy, “go-to” gal or guy is a rare combination of attributes that allows you to stand apart from the competition.
- It’s expected. Employers crave integrity in their applicants. Though not always demonstrated by many professionals, the expectation still exists. When onboarding potential new hire or promotable leader, the expectation is for them to demonstrate sound principles, act with honesty, keep promises and align themselves with high standards. This is the definition of integrity.
- It’s in demand. Who wouldn’t want a leader than continually demonstrates integrity and expects the same from their team? It’s not complex. When you make a promise, you see it through. Honor commitments to others and to yourself. Where others forget, you’re there to remember. And when you make a mistake you own up to it. Be known as the person who commits to action and excellence.
- It’s rewarding. A favorite quote is “An honest man’s pillow is his piece of mind.” The same can be said for integrity. At the end of the day, when you’ve taken the high road, you’ll gain in the long run, reap what you sew and rise to the top. Despite the never-ending list of metaphorical idioms, when you walk with integrity, you’ll soon discover many career-enhancing rewards.
How To Be Career Happy? Demonstrate Integrity In All That You Do
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Photo Source: Photodune