It can be lonely at the top.
Did you know that oftentimes loneliness occurs when you’re not alone? Too often, lonely people are those who are always in a crowd of others. They may be successful, sitting atop the ivory tower, always busily scurrying around, or that social butterfly chatting away at a party. Loneliness affects us all from time to time. And it is also a feeling that often plagues the successful (or seemingly successful).
More often than not, loneliness results from feeling pressured to be someone else or conforming to others’ expectations. Rather than choosing to be yourself, you may struggle to present an image that doesn’t really conform to who you are inside. And unfortunately, the more people rave about your successes the more you feel pressured to continue to build the façade.
What would it feel like to step out of this shell and start embracing the real you? What if you went back to hanging around the people who really got you jazzed about your passion, talents and goals? Could change be in your future?
It’s a very freeing and fulfilling feeling to know that you’re truly not alone. You have the power to be “you” and bravely step away from those who live in the superficial dialogue-filled world. This isn’t easy because—let’s be frank—it’s scary. You may feel that if you do trade loneliness for authenticity you may lose success.
I promise you this will not happen. In fact, you’ll probably be more successful because you are being true to you. Don’t sacrifice success and don’t feel that you’re alone.
I hope this article provided you with a few applicable ideas for success. I would be honored if you shared this on social media. And speaking of sharing, please share your own ideas and experiences below. Together, we can build a happier career community.
Photo Source: Photodune