You’re probably wondering “What the heck is Kim talking about now?” Well, I think it’s time to put our careers into high flying fun mode. Let me explain. I believe the most important thing we can do for our careers is to celebrate and uplift others. Why? First, it’s the right thing to do—give not get. Secondly, it makes you feel good all over (cue warm, fuzzy music). Finally, and I’m just being honest here, it comes back to you 7-fold. In other words, the more you give the more you get.
How can you give today and perhaps win the Academy Career Award? It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
- Forward the message you received today with your personalized “Thanks.”
- Nominate someone who’s made a difference in your life. Share your nomination in the comments form below so that we can all celebrate this Academy Career Award winner!!!
- Then, prep for your walk down the runway by contemplating the following questions:
Are you Oscar worthy? Do people smile when they see you? Are you presenting a polished, star-like quality when you walk in the room? You don’t have to be Meryl Streep to understand the importance of making a good impression. Take a moment to look at what you’re wearing. Does it reflect the promotable you? It should. (Notice that I didn’t send this out on casual Friday). Maybe it’s time for a little spring-cleaning of your wardrobe and style. If you need help, I’m blessed with 3 great stylist friends ready for your call!
How do you present yourself? We all love a good laugh, cry, and a scary, thrilling or dramatic scene, but that doesn’t mean these emotions are appropriate in every work situation. How you present yourself is as much about your words as your look. You want to ensure that you are continually sending the message you want your personal brand to convey. More importantly, you want to exit the stage with everyone wanting more. How you make the people around you feel is what they will remember most. So make the cover of Time Magazine not The National Inquirer this year by presenting your Oscar worthy self.
What’s your red carpet strategy? Walking that red carpet is not easy. Especially, when you don’t have a stylist near by to help you shine. Still, in order to get from here (insert wherever you are now) to the awards stage you need to be brave. Speaking up, standing up and going for the gold is what separates winners from wannabes. Listen, I’m not asking you to jump on a plan and fly to L.A. I’m simply asking you to do something bold today, like ask for a reference, polish that resume that’s been sitting in the drawer, or schedule a lunch with a powerful contact. Here’s a great way to get started. Nominate below in the comments section, the Oscar worthy person who inspires you to go for the Academy Career Award.
Who are your stars? Who do you admire and think highly of? They could be your mentors, colleagues or ambassadors or even the person whose persistence is annoying on a bad day but celebrated on a good one. Everybody counts, and has a purpose in helping us achieve our most important dreams. So “Thank” them and nominate them below!
How To Be Career Happy? Know That You Are a Winner!
I hope this article provided you with a few applicable ideas for success. I would be honored if you shared this on social media. And speaking of sharing, please share your own ideas and experiences below. Together, we can build a happier career community.
Photo Source: Photodune