If you’re wondering whether or not you are in the right career, you may also be wondering if there’s something better that will make you happier, more productive, challenged and engaged. But is a new career the right answer and if so, might the transition be daunting?
If you’re feeling a little restless, please know that a career change is not your only options. Working with a career coach will give you the motivation, enthusiasm, and confidence to comfortably explore all career options before making any big decision to change or even to stay.
But one of the most important benefits that should come from coaching is creating and deploying strategies that tap into all your current career has to offer. If that sounds like a lot of work, don’t worry. Your coach is an expert at helping you get the very best out of you and supporting your journey to happiness.
If you’re thinking about a change, thoughtfully consider the following 25 statements and whether they ring “true” or “untrue” as they apply to your current work situation. If you mark any as “untrue” it’s time to get started with career coaching for career happiness.
Career Happiness Statements.
- I learn something new at work everyday
- I seek out opportunities to learn something new
- I enjoy learning something new
- I feel that I contribute to my workplace regularly
- I have opportunities, or make opportunities, to contribute.
- I get along with others at work
- I give my best forward everyday
- My work is meaningful
- My supervisor supports me
- I smile a lot at work
- I feel positive
- I’m challenged in a good way everyday
- I always make a little time for myself everyday
- I look forward to going to work
- I often feel “in the flow” at work
- The amount of work I have is optimal
- My creative contributions and ideas are encouraged at work
- I know how to manage any stress that comes my way
- I’m enthused about my career path
- I know there will be opportunities for growth at my workplace
- I have a network of colleagues in and out of the workplace support my career
- I have identified things that motivate me to do a good job at work
- I do something regularly to prepare me for my next career move
- I’m actively building my network
- I have a current and polished career portfolio that is ready to share with others
How To Be Career Happy? Work Toward These 25 Career Happiness Measures