Deepak Chopra once said, “Success and happiness root in who I make happy today.”
Showing appreciation for others and their contributions is one of Chopra’s daily goals. Is showing appreciation one of your daily goals? It should be.
Making an effort to appreciate and help others goes a long way to improving moods, health and our culture, and it can also enhance our careers. People want to help those who’ve helped them and enjoy spending time with altruistic people. We also learn a lot about ourselves and our abilities by extending help to others. And it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Just listening, saying “hello” or bringing a cup of coffee to someone can go a long way in making someone happy today.
I hope this article provided you with a few applicable ideas for success. I would be honored if you shared this on social media. And speaking of sharing, please share your own ideas and experiences below. Together, we can build a happier career community.
Photo Source: Photodune