Let’s start the movement to make work an even more amazing place. Everyone deserves a little career happiness.
Shake It Up. We all get stuck in a career rut, doing the same thing over and over, but unless we shake it up from time to time, it’s a slippery slope to “unhappydom.” If you have only 15 minutes today to do something different, what would you do? Get a delicious latte, eat lunch with a friend, do some yoga at your desk, jam to some awesome tunes, spend your lunch hour shopping?
Share the Love. When you give love you get love. This is also true for happiness. By making others happy you will be three times happier, so pay it forward. Think about something you can do that won’t be too difficult but will reap great rewards. Make today the day to do it. Walk over to that “difficult” or lonely coworker and sit down at their desk and ask them how they are! Spend a few minutes showing how you care and really listening to what they have to say. You can also surprise a “challenging colleague” with a cup of coffee, stuff a few dollars in a charity box, visit a humane shelter on your lunch hour or even just open the door for someone and share a smile. Sharing the love doesn’t require huge efforts on your part—it just requires a little one.
Build Your Career. Today is the day to be brave. What one thing have you been dying to do, but you’re just a little bit afraid of trying? Perhaps, it’s asking for help, a raise, a promotion, a project, a recommendation, a job or a resolution. What is that one thing that you think “I’ll get around to it when…” Stop thinking like that or you’ll never get around to it at all. This is the day to strap on the bungee and take a giant leap. I’m here, on call, to help if you need a little clarity or boost. And this isn’t just me challenging you. I’m taking the leap today, as well. I’m going to pick up the phone and ask for a commitment on a project that’s been in the works for five months! Are you with me? Are we in this together? One, two, three…Let’s Go!
I hope this article provided you with a few applicable ideas for success. I would be honored if you shared this on social media. And speaking of sharing, please share your own ideas and experiences below. Together, we can build a happier career community.
Photo Source: Photodune